jewellery custom gold gemstones pearls marie-benedicte

jewellery custom

A tangible memory of special moments of LOVE.

In addition to designing and crafting engagement rings and wedding rings , Marie-Bénédicte can also provide you with a jewelry design completely custom designed but always in her own well-known style.

For Marie-Bénédicte, jewellery are emotionally charged beauties with a story attached each time. Your story she forges into a personal jewel.

Marie-Bénédicte designs for you the most beautiful handmade wedding rings, engagement rings, jewellery customized, but also for memory jewelry or mourning jewelry you can contact her.

Are you ready to have your precious memories forged into noble tangibility? And thus contribute to the upcycling of your jewellery? Perhaps you still have treasured familyjewellery that are gathering dust in a drawer or you have a valuable gemstone- with sentimental value- and would like to have a contemporary jewelry design made from it? You can!

In its boutique Marie-Bénédicte also has a beautiful collection of gemstones and pearls that you can choose from to have incorporated into your jewel.

You have an eye for beauty, you like to be surrounded by beautiful things. You love craftsmanship, craft, art & design. You love color and unique jewelry designs? Then you have come to the right place at jewelry designer ~ goldsmith Marie-Bénédicte!

She will help you with love and pleasure to choose a beautiful jewellery design and is happy to share her passion for this beautiful profession with you.

Marie-Bénédicte has a passion for high-quality materials. And passion for unique gemstones and special pearls that she transforms into timeless wearable works of art; jewellery that can be passed on from generation to generation.




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Opening hours: Friday and Saturday from 11am to 5pm - and by appointment

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